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The first Web browser was already capable of downloading and displaying movies, sounds and any file type supported by the operating system.
The average Internet user spends about 25 hours a month surfing the web in sessions lasting approximately 50 minutes while visiting over 1,100 pages.

In the US, more women use the Internet than men: 97 million women use the Internet compared with 90 million men (66% percent of women over the age of three and 64% of men over the age of three in the US)

The web is made up of code, mostly consisting of HTML and CSS and you can actually see the code of the page you are viewing by clicking view then page source on your browser! Give it a try, it will look like a load of gibberish at first, but if you spend some time learning it you will understand the Internet a lot better!

The guy who invented and coined the phrase World Wide Web, Tim Berners-Lee, is really the guy who made the whole thing available to all of you who are using it right now!

The inspiration for the brand name Yahoo! Came from a word made up by Jonathan Swift in his book Gulliver’s Travels. A Yahoo was a person who was ugly and not a human in appearance.

The prime reason the Google home page is so bare, is due to the fact that the founders didn’t know the HTML and just wanted a quick interface. In fact, the submit button was a later addition and initially, hitting the RETURN key was the only way to burst Google into life.

Sweden has the highest percentage of its population i.e. 76.9 per cent hooked on to the Internet. In contrast, the world average is 11.9 per cent and India has a poor 7.2 per cent.

The web still has a huge potential to grow as only around 2.9% of the world are online. You’re not quite connected to the whole world yet!

The term Internet and World Wide Web are often used in every-day speech without much distinction. However, the Internet and the World Wide Web are not one and the same.

In February 2009, Twitter had a monthly growth (of users) of over 1300 per cent several times more than Facebook.

The first graphical Web browser to become truly popular was Marc Andresen and Jamie Zawinski’s NCSA Mosaic. It was the first browser made available for Window’s, Mac and Unix X windows System with the first version appearing in MARCH 1993.

The cost of transmitting information has fallen dramatically. A trillion bits of information from Boston to Los Angeles from $150,000 in 1970 to 12 cents today. E-mailing a 40 page document from Chile to Kenya costs less than 10 cents, faxing it about is $10, sending it by courier is $50.

The world ‘e-mail’ has been banned by the French Ministry of culture. They are required to use the word ‘Courriel’ instead, which is the French equivalent of Internet. This move became the subject of ridicule from the cyber community in general.

The day after Internet Explorer 4 was released, a few Microsoft employees left a 10 by 12- foot Internet Explorer logo on Netscape’s front lawn with a message that said “We love you” at the height of the browser wars in the late 90’s.

According to a University of Minnesota report, researchers estimate the volume of Internet traffic is growing at an annual rate of 50 to 60 per cent.

The typical Internet user worldwide is young, male and wealthy – a member of an elite minority.

‘Carnivore’ is the Internet surveillance system developed by the US Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), who developed it to monitor the electronic transmissions of criminal suspects.

The average total cost of using a local dialup Internet account for 20 hours a month and USD 60 a month in the US. The average African monthly salary is less than USD 60.

For those of you that thought the US had the highest percentage of Internet users, actually it is Sweden. That one got me by surprise. In Sweden, 75% of people use the Internet!

Facebook now has 24 million users who spend an average of 14 minutes on the site every time they visit. This is up from 8 minutes last September, according to Hit wise, a traffic measuring service.

MySpace has 67 million numbers - nearly 3 times as many as Facebook! MySpace users spend an average of 30 minutes on the site each time they visit.

If you want to sell your book on you can set the price, but then they will take 55 per cent cut and leave you with only 45 per cent.

R Tomlinson was the first person on records to have sent an email. His email address was: Tomlinson@ bbn.tenexa.
Spam accounts for over 60 per cent of all email, according to Message Labs. Google says at least one third of all Gmail servers are filled with spam.

The Internet took five years to reach 50 million people. Television, by comparison took 13 years and radio, 38! The Internet has grown amazingly fast!

For those of you that thought the US had the highest percentage of Internet users, actually it is Sweden. That one got me by surprise. In Sweden, 75% of people use the Internet!

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